Building Extraordinary Success With Clarity & Joy

Shanit Frydman, Esq.
...reveals your personal truths to unlock exponential success through alignment and balance
Shanit Frydman, Esq. is an attorney who coaches exceptional business leaders and executives to reach their highest potential, with joy. Shanit combines her problem-solving legal training with the practice of conscious awareness to teach clients how to step into a new level of success, with an invigorating sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Shanit works with leaders across the start-up, small business and corporate industries to design and implement plans that result in dramatically increased revenue, productivity, and efficiency.
​ The answer is simple. Yes, she has created some really effective tools based on scientifically proven methods. But the tools aren't the solution. Throw a hammer at a nail and you'll understand. It's in the teaching of how to use the tool- it's the perspective shift, the mindset recalibration...the sense of humor and the joy. It's the reminder that success doesn't have to hurt. It's the affirmation that this world is abundant and alive. There is no limit to the impact your company can achieve, the revenue you can acquire, the satisfaction you can enjoy. There really is hope to rebuild and grow your multi million dollar company, with a sense of purpose and impact.